Monday, May 15, 2006

send sympathy

I got my knickers in a right twist over work last week. On Saturday I called my immediate manager whose a close friend and told her my woes.
She was ace as always and said she'd try sort some stuff out for me.
But today deemed to be no better and I told her I felt unable to go to work today as I was too worked up. Pathetic huh?
Yesterday I got up and thought long and hard about it and decided that I wasn't to be beaten and I was going to work this morning and sod the lot of those bastards and two fingers to the world.
So last night I get ill and I woke up today with a chest infection which I'm sure is due to too much fresh air and lentils. But I feel ill, really poorly.
Typical. Now my manager thinks I'm pulling a sickie when I'm not. Punishment from the Gods for being so lame.
Now I need someone to rub vick on my sore chest and bring me hot ribena in bed and sing to me.
I never get what I want.


  1. Anonymous8:36 am

    Holy Trinity,
    Er, I think this passes as fan mail...just wanted to say: I love yer blog :) After following it for 18months I've finally decided it's the best. (Ha, take that River Bend!). In case you haven't sussed it, it's 'cos you hit a perfect balance bewteen comedy, satire, vulnerability, protectiveness, causticness and honesty.
    I tend to agree with your music choices; Teddy Thompson and the Strokes etc, but still remain staggered at your blindness to CSI. Isn't it a bit too incredible?
    Anyway, for the sake of the my* entertainment I hope the NHS doesn't discover your true talent (diarising). You really are an undiscovered gem. :D

    *Who writes this stuff? mainly 40yo project manager dads from Manchester.

  2. Anonymous10:10 am

    Lucky old Vick I say! (How is Victor these days?)
