Thursday, May 04, 2006

night walking

the hope and anchor
I'm becoming countrified. I went out tonight with Spring... Deep into the country on a grueling 10 mile walk that took us up banks and places with stinging nettles and loose rocks and sheer 60 foot drops and werewolves.
Luckily we survived and ended up in this pub where I had Camembert deep fried with some marmalade (strange) I'm trying to not to eat meat with him as it doesn't seem right somehow.
I like meat ;) a lot.... But I can live without it.
We had a really good time. I've had a crap day. I cried a lot and was really weird. I'm such a stupid bitch sometimes. There really was nothing wrong.
It was really cool to get out and breath some country air. There's a ton of middle classed posh gits who walk those country paths though with their pampered pooches. Jodhpurs to walk the canine? Crazy. The pub was full of really old people... Yes people OLDER than 36. Amazing.
Spring said I looked 'strangely cute tonight'. I was curiously pleased. Though I'm pretty sure he'd have paid a much nicer compliment to a passing train.
My language is getting worse. I have to curb it or it'll be head rolling for me back in work next week. You can't call the patients little bastards really.
On the way home the radio was on. A woman boss was telling the radio presenter how she'd got to the top of a painter and decorating company. She said she'd found it hard impregnating the company... I think she meant infiltrating. Bloody stupid women.


  1. Congratulations on the new man Trin. Don't wear him out, now. :) BTW I've got a lush recipe for courgettes in tomato & garlic sauce if you want it. No lentils involved.

  2. email me it. I quite fancy a nice courgette. Have you ever noticed how vegetables seem more sexy?
    Curious that.
    Reminds me of an experience I had a few years back when Popkitten was open......

  3. us veggies aren't sooo sensitive you know - I let R eat meat when we're out, even O's started eating burnt dead animal now eewwww
