Sunday, May 07, 2006

king of the cats in renal derailment

Trin loves you reAllyThe girls and Spring have been ganging up on me ;( Horrid people. Spring reckons all cats just ADORE him like some king. He reckons he's King of the Cats. I told him it was more likely to be King of the Prats. The girls disagree. How annoying when they don't support their own very exquisite mother.
Spring reckons he's going to start an Anti Trin site to address some of the pertinent issues on this site. I say bring it on Bastard and I'll see you in court.
Anyways he'll be long dead before British Justice stirs it's dormant loins. I checked his blood pressure (amongst much screaming... Baby) and it was HIGH as HIGH can be.
He reckoned the stress of seeing me was something to do with it.
More likely the end result of some perverted Vegetarian diet coupled with constant train thoughts.
He did buy me a bottle of creme caramel Baileys though.... It was delectable indeed.
We just got back from my mothers. Birds Eye Chicken pie and frozen I have never liked chicken pie. I don't like pastry much. Still, saved me from having to eat her dinner.
Imagine, growing up in a home where the best meal was a tin of minced beef in gravy and instant mash potato. It's a wonder I don't have CJD..... Or maybe I do.....

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