Tuesday, May 23, 2006

germs and reality TV

I've given Spring my germs big time. He came over last night poorly, so poorly that he had no fight left in him to insist we watch intellectual TV.
He sat through eye opening programmes like Extreme Makeover and Copious amounts of Big Brother.
Big Brother is my passion. Sometimes it's hard to watch either from Tedium (BB4) or the exasperating antics of the inmates like Craig (anfernee I love you) Coates last year or this year looney Shabaz.
Spring watch gobsmacked, first at the American enforced emotion at having your teeth all capped with porcelain Veneers on Extreme Makeover. Then at BB. He said he couldn't believe it wasn't all scripted and people didn't behave like that?
"These people are allowed to vote?" He exclaimed.
At 11pm it all got too much and I had to put him to bed with a glass of ribena and a couple of Brufen pills.
I slept with Danz (who sleep with a big ball of germs? He's probably got Bird flu or something worse)
Danz woke up with a sore throat No school for her then. I'm panicked that she'll be ill for tomorrow but kids are more resilient than us growed up ones. I'm sure she'll survive.
Abby has another GCSE this morning
(incidently there was a funny moment in school when Danielle approached some friends of Abby and asked them how to spell GCSE)
Abby is very nervous. She got put in for a higher GCSE English which means the minimum mark is a grade D. If she fails she'll be ungraded.
Pressure pressure, poor kids. Hope we have loads of fun in London to break up the stress.

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