Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Back at work after 2 weeks off.... And it's ok. Vile little doctor is off on his holidays to some foreign resort and things seem better with the rest of the medical crew. They actually seemed pleased to see me (maybe I was just in a rosy haze at the time?)
Today was a food challenge day. Three small children in to have hard boiled eggs forced down their gobs to see if they'd achieve a reaction.
Now imagine you are 2 and never eaten eggs before. Now visualise a hard boiled egg. Imagine it sliced up and forced into your little mouth?..... Oh I forgot... Also imagine having to be cannulated with a rather large needle prior to this (just in case they collapse with anaphylaxis)
humus delight Needless to say none was successful. They were too young. You couldn't explain stuff to them. Even disguised in chocolate or jam... Eggs still taste like eggs.
It riles me though because the cannulation is always really invasive and traumatic. I personally wouldn't let my kid go through that until they can understand and comply.
I challenge you to a casserole you dastardly lentil But there's more fun to come. Over the next weeks we have a sesame seed, Chick pea and my own personal favourite Lentil challenge. FFS I can understand eggs, nuts and milk.They're hidden in masses of food stuff... But fecking chickpea? Apparently the kid has to ingest half a ton of Humous and Tahini (whatever that is)
This isn't the doctors, this is an insistent parental request.
Sometimes the job can be so challenging!


  1. I want a test where I'm force fed houmous sounds bliss.

  2. tahini is the stuff that makes hummous yummy (or rather yummier, chickpeas mashed up with lemon juice and garlic sounds pretty delish anyway mmmmmm)

    Smallboy near us has severe sesame allegy, he's being tested now for other nuts (he avoids them all at the mo). When we mind him we have to be in charge of the epi-pen eep
