Monday, May 01, 2006

carry on bedding

We're watching Carry On. In fact a whole series of Carry On films. This one is 'Carry On Abroad'. A whole 90 minutes of bed hopping nearly sex... Because you what a man in Trin's bed? Never!never actually see anyone doing anything except a bit of slap and tickle.
I love it. Abby has made a few sarky comments like
"Was this funny when you were a youngster?"
But she is laughing at it in parts. The slapstick is seldom seen nowadays apart from in things like Dick and Dom (but totally unsubtle and unfunny)
Anyways the bed hopping has me thinking.
Tonight my new friend Spring is coming over. I'm making him a cheese omelette (what else do you feed vegetarians?) I asked him to stay the night. It's about 30 miles back to his house and he has no reason to return tonight. Besides, we can have a bottle of wine, maybe watch a movie and chill without time restrictions.
But where to sleep? Those who know me well might laugh at me. I know where he's sleeping. In my bed of course. But when you have teenage daughters in the house, this has caused past consternation.
We have talked about this before. Abby didn't like to think of her mother with a man in bed. I think that's kind of normal. After all I couldn't bear to think of me mother and father shagging. Still can't....ewwww.
Times have moved on though. I'm not prepared to do anything to embarrass them, but I won't lie either. I've told them... If they get steady boyfriends who want to stay over... Well cool. Rather that than sex under some railway bridge (or the ladies toilets in the local church.... ooops that was me)
Hmm wonder what is right though? I have some friends who would be totally shocked. Like godsmacked shocked.
Well.... I've made sunflower bread (it's baking) and sliced up the cucumber (veggies have to have veggies) chilled the wine and booked the kids into the cinema for a few hours.


  1. tsk why you not aks me for quality veggie recipes?

  2. I already told her a proper one, not involving lentils, but she ignored me...

  3. there is no vegetarian recipe that doesn't involve some form of lentil.

  4. Anonymous1:02 am

    Lentils? And fresh bread? Go easy on the garlic, and leave a window open ;)

  5. garlic lentils... they sound yummy ;P

  6. Anonymous11:32 am

    Be relieved he's not a vegan (you know the ones... they've got pointy ears and green blood) or even the cheese omelette would be out. :-)
    As to the dilemna; what dilemna? In most houses I'd agree but Danz and Abby are nobodies' fools and if you pander to other peoples amusements you'd be a cynical hypocrite. You've taught your girls that above all else they should be true to who they are and not be overly concerned about how they are judged by others.
    You AREN'T a a cynical hypocrite so do what is true to yourself. Your girls will cringe and to an extent, giggle but that's what teenage daughters are supposed to do. They won't say it but they will be happy as long as your happy.
    As will all your friends.
    Be you Trin, just simply, purely, gladly be you.
    (Only try not to scream the roof down whilst in the throes of passion).
