Friday, May 26, 2006

brain gone dead

Whatever is wrong with me?
I am so lack lustre and fuzzy. My head feels crap and I can't seem to think straight. I'm going to St Austell with Spring and small spring for the weekend. We're going on the train. I didn't fancy driving. He is taking the car though. I'm worried.
I just worry that the girls will hate it. They'll be awkward. That we won't all get on. That I'll be quiet and fuzzy and spaced out all weekend.
The girls like going away in general. They love the train. They like caravans and just being away from home. But me and Spring haven't been seeing each other long. Sometimes being forced into a confined space can make you see someone in a different light. Imagine if I come home Monday and he hates me. I actually feel really nervous about this.
He invited us though. He seems to be genuinely looking forward to it. He said he'd be worried if it was the whole week.I guess that's fair enough. He's not used to teenage girls. They can be quite daunting. Mind they DO seem to like him. If we're having a minor disagreement they always stick up for him. Wimp. Needing 2 teenagers to stand up for him.... ha!
Maybe the Cornwall air will blow away the cobwebs and I'll get lively?
Deep stress. Many reasons.
A mega Phone Bill. Still no new appointment from the psychiatrist. A letter from a Court official who came to arrest the former occupant here on Thursday morning. I'm terrified they'll think I'm her and cart me off. She's STILL using this address for her DVLA stuff 5 years on.
Still can't get my head around all that pomp and ceremony from the BT Tower. And so tired. I think I'm a bit post viral.
I can't wait to see Spring but when he arrives I seems to be so dumb. Where's clever animated Trin gone?

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