Thursday, April 13, 2006

glastonbury film premiere

Me and Abby went to the Glastonbury Film Premiere at Bristol tonight. We arrived in time to see the band The Levellers arrive to have their picture taken by the infamous (lol) Evening post guy.
There were two trendy young men in the queue in front of me. I tapped one on the shoulder and said "Excuse me, is this the queue for Daniel O'Donnell tickets?"
Abby died of embarrassment.
We had to use our mobile phones as tickets. I had a browser message with a coded picture that they swiped on entry. I was fine with my new up to day Motorola V3 (pink) but several people with bricks had trouble. (hahahaha)

As you can see security was 'heavy' the red carpet was green in Glastonbury honour.
We were greeted by women giving out free tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. Glastonberry flavour. Rather nice actually.
the levellers

The Levellers played a folk acoustic set. They were ace. The lead singer was funny and witty. The band also featured in the film.
So onto the film.
Hmm, I liked it. Though it did begin to grate after 90 minutes.
It was a tour of Glasto.. The history the past, the present, the weird, wonderful, crazy psychedelic, the scary and odd and freaky.
Actually far too much freaky. The images were fast and colourful and loud and after a while you began to feel your head was coming off. Then in parts I felt I was watching an introduction tape to Disneyland or some other place with night entertainment.
Some bits were funny. The toilets were filmed with people opening doors and being beaten out again by the smell.
The music was portrayed.... Trouble was it was mostly bands from the 70's and soul and black singers and I didn't have a clue who they were. Oh I could identify Coldplay and Scissor Sisters and Stone Roses and Prodigy and Bjork and faithless... But there were so many more I didn't know.
The film kept going back to the hippies and gypsy's and showing violence and aggression... It was like watching Thatchers 80's again. So many protests CND, Green peace, anti-war on and on.
Ok It was ok. I enjoyed it. But it has put Abby off of ever going to Glasto. She says it was too scary... So the film must have been quite extreme.
Lots of drink, drugs, men falling over and crazy hippies with scary faces... hmm sounds like Glastonbury.

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