Saturday, March 11, 2006

night sodding world.

I've had an ok kind of day. Been busy really. No time to think. I don't do thinking too well and now I'm going to bed because the mind cogs are whirling and I'm feeling kinda pissed off with stuff.
Now I know not everyone thinks, does or even has the same ideas about life as me. Maybe that's for the best.
But there's a track I work along. I follow the lines and even when I'm a bit erratic and I'm not quite right, I have never moved off of that track. It's me, it's who I am and it will eventually take me to the end of the rail.
I think it's not so different to everyone else's pathway.
Then why the fuck do people not do the things I think and hope they will.
Why am I disappointed time and time again?
Fuck the lot of it. I'm going to bed.

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