Wednesday, January 25, 2006

problems problems

Life is a bit fraught here at the moment, but it'll be ok. I just need to be strong and firm without losing the very essence that is me.
However, it still bugs me that I need support from people and my reaction when it's not forthcoming is so gut wrenching. That's when I think I don't need friends. I'm better on my own then no one can upset me.
I know I have numerous issues for a counsellor and when I finally get some I'll be a better person.
Last night was awful.
I got home from work at 3.30, got back in the car at 4.15 drove through the traffic to rainbows. Got back home at 6.30 then left to pick up Abby at 7.30 pm.
I found the Caribbean restaurant ok, but was on a one way system, so I carried on with the traffic and thought I knew where I was going. After 15 minutes of driving we arrived back at the restaurant. We'd done a huge complex circle.
So I took another road, and ended up back on the one way system going the wrong way yet again. Finally I turned round in a garage and was heading the right way. But by taking the temple meads bypass route I was in big trouble. It was closed and I was forced onto the M32 heading out to London.
After a while I did some illegal U turn, came back down the M32 and got stuck behind two huge diggers which blocked the road and forced me to take the same road back towards the restaurant. By this time I was crying.
Abby felt awful for asking me to pick her up and I was beside myself. It took 45 minutes to drive home.
I guess it ruined her fun night, what a horrid mother.
I'm a bit flat today. Don't worry you guys, I'll be ok. Maybe I need some Sun.
Everywhere around here seems drab and sad and I find it hard to see anything in the next few months that's not sad or final.
Danz said that on her way back from school yesterday there was a huge crowd at the local shops. Hundreds of people and ambulances and cars. I thought there'd been some sort of major accident but it turns out Holby City filmed there.
This morning the kids are still fuming with watching Celebrity Big Brother last night. They hate George Galloway Pete Burns and Dennis Rodman with passion. Last nights argument left Abby in tears. Nasty television and if that stupid, self centred evil, snake eyed politician thinks this will have endeared him to the younger voter he is very sadly mistaken.
Anyways it's Another day..... I'm meant to be at the Vets with Taylor, but he has this 6th sense and done a runner. Every other day he's been curled up on my bed... Today? Gone.
Oh to be a cat.


  1. It was awful watching those 3 arseholes tearing into people and not being able to do anything about it. I was furious too. Why don't the other housemates intervene? I think this programme has clearly shown how the vast majority of 'celebs' will just trample everyone on their way to the top. I hope George Galloway loses all support he had before he went in the house.

    Donna xxx

  2. I am the sort of person who finds it impossible to sit by and watch others hurt or picked on. I would have HAD to do something about it. At least little Preston tried, he has some guts. Bless him.
    GG is a vile snake, ugly inside and out. I hope the roof lifts off with the boo's he gets when he goes tonight... and that vile Dennis Rodman, nasty piece of work, but it's Pete Burns I'd love to see shamed and blamed and told just what a nasty man he is.

  3. Stop being hard on yourself Trinno you are doing the job of two parents.

  4. Anonymous8:17 pm

    stupid, self centred evil, snake eyed politician????

    Never watch that crap so don't know for sure, but it seems amazing that Tony Blair would have the time to get involved in something like that.

  5. Anonymous8:34 pm

    Trin. You are a marvel. Ditto Jude's words and the point here is... you did keep going round. I'd have parked, said sod it and walked the mysterious bermuda triangle bit.

    As to BB. Don't normally watch, wife does. I started watching and must say I thought Burns was ok... until he showed his colours. GG is an arrogant, selfish man who bristles when he's rumbled. Barrymore is batty but ok, Dennis who? Oh yeah, nasty sh*t aint he.

    Chantelle has to win. Not just because she's cutely naive, not just because she's being treated so badly but because it highlights how tired and frustrated the world is becoming with celebrity.
    Sorry to go on. Just feel strongly about this one. I may even vote.
