Wednesday, January 26, 2005

'You love buses more than you love me'.

Damn it I missed Trisha this morning. And it was a classic too. 'You love buses more than you love me'. What a great line.
And what's wrong with that? I hear you say. Particularly if your name begins with a SSSS. Well nothing. Loving buses is a good wholesome hobby. Actually I quite like them. Aesthetic and small and shiny. Quite loveable. Cuddly and wheely.
The RoutemasterYou can also play with them. Make them run up and down your playroad, stop at bus stops, help old ladies aboard and give up your seat for the pregnant or sexy.
Here's a nice model bus site. You can also join forums with other model bus collectors. Make friends and meet at interweb bus meets. If you're very lucky you might make a special friend and you can visit each others houses and shine up your wheels together.
Anyways I can't talk. I collect china Teddies. But they don't get dusted very often. Plus the cat keeps running off with them and hiding them behind the sofa. She'd have a job with a routemaster though.
xxx to all you sexy model bus collectors out there xxx

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