Thursday, September 11, 2008


1. My uncle once: I had no uncles I can think of
2. Never in my life: would I intentionally hurt anyone
3. When I was five: I bit the dentist and he threw me out of the chair
4. High School was: Hartcliffe Comp
5. I will never forget: my nan and grandad
6. I once met: Guillermo del Toro
7. There's this girl I know who: umm is this a Danielle story?
8. Once, at a bar: I set the bar alight with hot apple pie drinks
9. By noon, I'm usually: getting ready for bloody work!
10. Last night: I cried
11. If I only had: more kittens
12. Next time I go to church: I’ll burn it down
13. Terry Shiavo: who?
14. What worries me most: Steve getting ill
15. When I turn my head left, I see:
the curtains
16. When I turn my head right, I see: Steve
17. You know I'm lying when: you could never tell if I’m lying
18. What I miss most about the eighties: being younger!
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I'd be: the one with the dagger
20. By this time next year: I hope it will all be calmer
21. A better name for me would be: Your highness
22. I have a hard time understanding: The scots dialect
23. If I ever go back to school, I'll: have school dinners yum
24. You know I like you if: I share my chocolate
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I'd thank would be: Heidi
26. Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: aren’t invited for dinner
27. Take my advice, never: refuse
28. My ideal breakfast is: nothing
29. A song I love, but do not have is: Halfway Hotel Voyager
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you come armed
31. Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: mean nothing to me
32. Why won't people: stop smoking?
33. If you spend the night at my house: bring wine
34. I'd stop my wedding for: no-one I love him
35. The world could do without: cigarettes Christians and Amy Whitehouse
36. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Amy Whitehouse’s belly
37. My favorite blonde is: Owen Wilson
38. Paper clips are more useful than: religion
39. If I do anything well, it's: Ironing
40. And by the way: You aren't getting 7 monkeys for Christmas

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Trin is Famous

I really am famous. Keep checking it for the video I made. It was such fun despite the 'incident' ;)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

sofa love

Our sofa has died. To be honest it was second hand when we got it and it came from a house with dogs. Luckily all the cushions are removable and it's had many washes but Steve's cats are something else. They puke at the drop of a hat and for some reason the sofa took the main brute.
I took the worse one to the vets. I was kind of hoping they'd say she was past it but nope. She has a delicate tummy and now has to have 'special. highly expensive food.
Consequently the sofa has taken a huge toll on the fabric and huge holes at appeared.
I kept showing Steve various sofas I liked. Last week we were passing this furniture store by us SCS and wandered in. There sitting at the back was a perfect cream leather suite. A 4 seater and 2 seater. It called to me. Buy me... and do it now.
Steve sat on it and fell in love.
For the first time ever I was getting a new suite and it was gorgeous.
Delivery Friday madam? Not a problem. Paid cash off we went.
I'm not a very materialistic person but the thought of my new suite kept me going all week.
Friday we got up. Chucked out the old dirty vile monstrosity. Cleaned the lounge, even got those girls to wash the skirting boards... WTF!!
And we waited....
3pm. No sign. Hmm, I thought let's ring and see if they have any idea what time.
Then it all got messy. They'd made a mistake. "I'm so sorry Mrs Trinity but I'll have to disappoint you but the next delivery is Thursday"
I was NOT happy. He said he'd make some enquiries and ring me back ASAP.
One hour later no call, so I rang again. He'd done nothing. He'd been with a customer choosing HER new suite and hadn't time to deal with us who had already paid for their no show suite. Something wrong there?
So at 7 pm last night we had to go to the store and pick up the 2 seater ourselves, either that or sit on floor for a week. Luckily it fitted in the new Peugeot partner.
They rang today. They were sorry. They were nice. I'm ok, got something to sit on at least.
But they can't get the computer to accept that the suite is in the store and not awaiting delivery from manufacturers. So it looks like we'll have to collect the other sofa as well.
Brilliant. At least the suite is worth it!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Reporter Trin

"Debs, I've been invited by ITV Meridian to the 'Dorset Steam Fair' as a blogger"
"Really! why you?"
"Mainly because of the S&D Blog"

So started our experience into the world of social media. I wasn't meant to go. I wasn't actually invited. Steve didn't want to go without me but it was ok. I would be ok on my own there. My mate Lyn had said there was a huge range of shops and I do love to shop. But one by one the chosen bloggers dropped out. Silly people, missing the experience. Steve mentioned me to the organisers. Told them I blogged and hey presto I was in. I wasn't exactly thrilled mind you. I was a bit bemused by it all. After all what did I know about steam and engines and machines?
Steam energy is one of the things that us at Transition Bristol think about for the future though. We've been transition members for a year or so. We ARE Transition Hartcliffe at present. Steam is a sustainable energy that will possibly play an important part in this fuel depleting world of ours.
So onto our day. We got up early and got there on time. We were met by Colin from 1000 heads
Colin was a good bloke with a nice hat. We had a walk around then met Sharon an editor for ITV and her quite adorable child Vincent who, trust me, really was quite a character.
me doing reporter stuff!

They wanted us to peruse the fair with a camera. Chat to some locals, film a bit and just get a flavour of the place.
As you an imagine this was right up my street. I have been waiting to be 'discovered' since I was 18 months. Somehow though I fear it will have to wait till the next life ;)
We started off at the steam engine things. A long row of shiny smelly colourful engines all billowing out smoke. All surrounded by men in sooty clothing huddled in groups in deep conversation about bits of machinery. And they say women chat?
I filmed a couple of men who wouldn't give me their names at first. Shy!! right. But basically if you asked them about the machine their eyes glazed over in some obsessive cloud and they could chat for England.
I got the impression that Nostalgia was the name of the day but you see I was looking at it all in a different way. These machines moved without any oil. This was good.
Moving away from the smoke the whole enormity of the fair hits you. It's HUGE vast sprawling. You never seem to reach the end. It's noisy busy and happy. There's people everywhere. Old ones in those motor wheelchairs whizzing round, kids in prams, Teenagers on the fair ground. And a lot of men mostly in groups in deep conversation. Whatever you're in to there's something for you there.
Around every corner there was one of those noisy organ music machines. I can't bear them but there were people sat happily listening to Abba and Cliff Richard played organ style.
I've been to quite a few of these fair type places in my time. The Bristol Balloon festival is a huge affair here in Bristol every year but this Dorset place was something else. They had every type of food imaginable. Everyone seemed to be eating something really nice.
Everyone seemed to have a dog as well. I filmed a lot of dogs.
Swiss Dogs

We walked miles...well it seemed. I had some lovely sweeties from a sweet stall to keep me going. We tried to find somewhere a bit quiet to film stuff but it was almost impossible. We found some owls next to one of the organs with a notice by them saying that they have their own mechanism for blocking out noise. I assure you it was needed!
They have camping at this fair. We almost laughed at someone wanting to camp out at a steam fair but there's no way in one day you'll even see a quarter of it. It's enormous.
We filmed and filmed. We filmed kids, dogs, people sat on hay bales, a man controlling a dalek, girls on the information desk, people sat outside drinking cider (think they made Colin jealous) Swiss dogs pulling little carts, men making hay with big machines, funny outfits, lovely army men (very helpful and informative and quite handsome!) people sawing logs with equipment only for display purposes(what's the point of that?)
Then we decided to stop for food and it all went wrong. I had the camera. I was holding it carefully. No chance I was going to drop it when I fell. I went down like one of those sawn off logs. I was more fussed about the camera to be honest. Got up quick and followed everyone into the food marquee. Steve asked if I was OK. YES I am a nurse. I exclaimed. My knee hurt and I took a glance. I knew it was superficial but there was a nasty gash there and it was bleeding. I thought I'd need plaster from the first aid a bit later.
Then it all got fuzzy because as we sat down I felt ill. Really sick and dizzy. I made Steve come outside with me and I had to sit on the floor. It seemed to pass and we went back into the marquee. Steve insisted I needed food and sugar but almost immediately I felt faint again and Yep I fainted. In front of Poor Colin, Sharon the ITV editor and little Vincent.
I must have been unwell because I am not the one to allow people to fuss over me and call an ambulance but St John Ambulance arrived to sort me out.
I think you tend to take them for granted at these events but they are pretty amazing. They were so calm and caring and I had a check up with a doctor and my knee seen to and felt really embarrassed and silly.
my ambulance

I did laugh though, there I was flat out on the ground all these people fussing and the non plussed unfazed 5 year old Vincent just sat through it all calmly playing his PSP game. Whatever he must have thought of it all!!
So we decided to go home. I felt I'd let everyone down a bit. I was very embarrassed but life is a big adventure and I did get first hand Dorset Fair experience of the emergency services. They told me that last year was a good year No one died.... hmmmm.
So what did we gain from it all?
It was fun, and I'd go again to see the fair. I was sad I'd missed my dose of retail therapy that Steve promised me. He was going to give me money to spend :(
I liked the interviewing and filming. I watching ITV West's little piece on the fair that evening. A young girl sat on one of those steam engines fawning about how steamy and noisy it all was and how she didn't have a clue about steam.
Missed the point completely.
I met some cool people. Colin the hat man, Sharon who really is a cool rock chick, knows more bands than me. I got to go on the ITV bus which was very interesting. And I'm still alive. Has to be a bonus surely?
The Rivals HTV West, they have the same car as us!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

sex ed youth style

The girls got invited to some youth thing today. They've been doing a lot of consumer studies. I guess people trying to get into the mindset of an executioner today's teenagers (oops a little Mighty Boosh slip up there).
They came home clutching 'things' "It was all about sex" Mum , they protested. Danielle reckons she learnt more today than at school. "At school all we did was write as many words about sex we knew on the blackboard then chased a sperm on a PC game"
Hmmmm that's why half of Hartcliffe's teens are up the duff then?
Anyways, the leaflet gave them 101 ways to show someone you love them rather than having sex.
Here's a little sample for you lot out there to mull over

23. buy them a piece of the moon
26. suck their toes
33. write their name in the sand
39. write their name with a sparkler
67. go on rides on the pier together (cripes there's one pregnancy already ours burnt down)
88. Gaze into their eyes.

Apparently it was the youth of Brighton and Hove who came up with these ideas.
Lovely idea guys but..................
The girls got a lot out of it though. Steve just wouldn't make a very good grandad just yet ;)

car troubles

The Suzuki which has served me so well has died. It's final journey was to the garage where they didn't even look at it. The gear box was fecked and at a price of a grand to fix the thing it was uneconomic.
Ah well, looks like we were down to the Pajero for now. I don't actually like the car. It's too heavy and bulky and monstrous. It also overheated on the M32 billowed steam and had to have a nice AA man come rescue me a mere 3 weeks ago.
Last week the Pajero also bit the dust. Driving along a road close to home doing 25 mph it suddenly started to rev like a maniac. I was suddenly doing 60 with no acceleration. I couldn't brake and was terrified. I managed to career into the side of the road and get it to slow a bit but it was still moving toward a load of parked cars. Steve rammed the automatic into park and I switched off the engine and we stopped.
So now it's been towed to the same garage as the Suzuki was. The mechanic must wonder what's hit him.
Thing is what if it had happened in a different place. I drive down Bridge Valley Road every day where that JCB digger went over the edge. That could have been me.
Imagine life without Trin? Unthinkable ;)

carry on frome

My mate used to do a clinic where they assessed people with extra digits. Lop off the extra ones etc. She always said a fair proportion of them were Fromeys.
Not surprised really. Frome the land of those not posh enough for Bath and not chav enough for Warminster.
Thursday we had to collect said step child from his dear Mother. She had offered rather generously to drop him half way. I'm a known cynic but I fear her generosity didn't come from wanting to help us with our car situation (which I shall enlighten you with in a sec) but that she wanted us to have him Friday as she was busy and the fear was we wouldn't play ball.
We arrived dead on 7.45pm and sat watching the skateboarders and teenage kids messing around in the woods. By 8.15pm I was a little pissed off at the no show and Steve managed to get hold of someone who said they were in a different car park. Fecking typical! So we whizzed over there to find they had gone back to Frome.
So we set off in pursuit to Frome. Meanwhile the person we'd spoken to had got hold of them and they had tuned around and driven back to the original car park.
Scream very loudly! Completely useless.
We finally got them at 9pm at their house. They said Steve had told them the wrong car park. He didn't, I heard him.
Fromeys? Must be the water.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

ship ahoy

My new husband with his sister in law... ha. Note he is wearing my shirt.

I said puck you miss

Six weeks post wedding and everything has calmed down. In fact sometimes life has been a little flat. I guess most of our energy and thoughts were taken up by the wedding since Christmas and before. I find myself fretting about stuff like work again now. I had work nightmares last night and they are mostly centred on me not being able to cope with it anymore and having to leave and the big moneyless abyss that would follow. Really though if it did get so bad I had to leave then it would be the best thing. I'm afraid not having nursing as a big part of me anymore though just lately it is unfulfilling and boring. I'm still having a few management issues mostly surrounding lack of support encouragement or recognition for the shit I put up with that NO ONE else in the department has to endure. My choice though, I took the job. Silly cow. Should have stuck with nursery nursing. Maybe I'll look back into doing something in that line again. Nearer to home and more fun...maybe?
We're off to France on Saturday. I liked it last year. The villa is gorgeous with every mod con in the kitchen, big bright and classy. The area is beautiful and different and it even smells lovely.
Steve's son doesn't want to come with us though. He says he can't spend a whole week with me. Sadly I feel the same way. Whenever will all this end and sort itself out? Seems to have gone on for ages now. I can't bear the way it makes Steve so sad. Every phone call and visit I get hugely anxious that he will upset Steve. My mum says we will have a better week without him. Steve says he'd rather not have a miserable child with us who doesn't want to be there.
Won't be the family holiday of last year though it will be different.
Maybe different will be good. If the weather is bad he says we will head south and chase the sun... lol. I could have told you this week would be bad. It's the balloon festival. It ALWAYS rains for that. Bloody English weather.
My sister is getting married in September. In Cyprus. I feel a bit pissed off that she couldn't do it here. I'd like to go to a wedding and not be the one doing all the organising. Just sit back and enjoy. We never wanted to go to Cyprus anyways. Not our scene. What with our wedding and our other holidays we couldn't afford it anyways. We did go to her hen night last week though, funny we were the only family to go and we aren't even going to the wedding. It was a boat trip on the river during the harbour festival. We all dressed as pirates, it was fun. Loud raucous and rude. The fireworks were good too. I love fireworks, though after my friend Chris's recent accident would be very wary about having any at home.
Right bored you enough my little blogger.
Loves you all as ever

Friday, July 18, 2008