Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We are all very tired. Since we got back from France the kitten seems to have gone weird. She won't leave us alone. Follows us from room to room and wakes us 6 or 7 times a night to be petted... you think she missed us?
Back at work now... same old crap basically... I'm thinking of applying for another job... 'cept I don't want to let people down.... what ever to do!!?
Just been to see Harry Potter with those girls.... hmmmm it was ok... bit too lacking in humour for my taste.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Josselin, France

Steve and Danz showing off.

Abby sunbathing

picture postcard village. Josselin
our villa
Well we're home and we had a brilliant time. The best holiday I've had I reckon. The villa was so gorgeous with huge rooms, dishwasher, the most wonderful cooker, white leather sofas and a lovely pool.The weather was ok. We had no rain and about 4 days of sun... one of which was actually hot. They all burnt except me.
Josselin was very pretty and my most fav place on the planet. I was at home there. I got to speak french and eat masses.
So now we're back... it's dark and rainy and England really doesn't seem terribly inviting. Sigh.

Monday, July 02, 2007

smoke no more

Britain goes smoke free... and it hasn't come a day too soon. The thought of actually being able to go out without the hideous smell smoke is just pure joy. We've had fun driving past those little shelters with the losers outside puffing away on their cancer stix bemoaning about the hardship they are suffering.
Hope the poor little souls don't catch a cold in this wonderful summer we're having.... tee-hee
ps... tut tut Lady P... remember the days when even the puppets on TV used to smoke.

over and over and over... like a monkey with a miniature cymbal

Thanks to Mrs Woman for her really nice comment the other day. However things don't seem to be getting better and I'm quite worried about my ability to burst into tears at various times during the working day.
I think it's because I've lost the control I had. Before if I wasn't happy, they'd say 'OK. We know you're good and wouldn't take advantage... so it's fine. Don't do what you can't do'. Now they just repeat over and over... 'but this is what you are meant to do'.
Every time I lose control I think I can't cope and I had a few times when I really thought I was going to just walk out and come home.
I just don't want to let my two bosses down who really are trying to support me.
Things are OK here though, Abby was camping the weekend in Southampton.. yep in the rain. Yeuk, can't think of anything worse.
We're off to France on Saturday for a week. Please let it stop raining for a little. The grey skies are not helping my mood at all.
Hope my baby kitten will be OK.... she'll miss me. When we get back we're moving Steve's cats up here permanently. Should be an experience. Anyone got any advice on rehousing 16 year old cats in a house already infested with moggies?
S'il vous plait.