Sunday, July 31, 2005

Don't burn your bra pop it on the fence - News - Giant 'Bra Fence' Sparks Controversy:

"A New Zealand man is resisting demands to take down hundreds of women's bras strung on his farm's fence"

Women actually stop. Remove their bras and place them on the fence?

Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Gang

The Gang at the wedding party. Natalie, Amy, Lauren, Ashley, Maisie, Abby, Danika and Danielle. I left them there!! Too many people I didn't know!. Trin is V shy

Shaly the Bridemaid.

Shaly. How can this girl not know how beautiful and gorgeous she is? If you read her blog... on my links. You'll see how she thinks of herself. But I know she is stunning

Shaly's Hair

Shaly from the back..I like the detail at weddings.

Smiley Sophia :)

My new picture of Sophia. I helped to make her...oh ok. I didn't have anything to do with the physical process of making her, but if It wasn't for me she wouldn't be here... I guess. I reckon anyways. And she's totally gorgeous. Look at that cutie smile. I love it when they start to smile. It's just the best thing. Well, wait till she's 15 and you got teen troubles like Abby. She wants to wear the shortest denim mini-skirt to the wedding evening. I don't think so somehow.

The Wham Festival

The Wham festival is a celebration of living in the rather diverse areas of Hartcliffe and Withywood. A big group of people dedicated to making life better round here. It was fun, colourful, lots to see and lots to do. Danielle was in the talent competition. She won a 10 pound gift voucher, a tee-shirt and framed photo of herself.

The teeny talent section. The little girls in pink won the competition doing Britney Spears. Danz is at the end.

The Wham Festival. The Gym and acrobat display was ace.

The winners of the talent did Britney. They were very cute. Lovely outfits.

James and Adam from the Talent Team. The girls love them....... Can you see why? :)
They all worked very hard to make the event excellent. Shame about the inclement British Weather.

Abby hides her Knickers from Derek. Posted by Picasa

Ryan Air

Bad Ryan Air. The customer service line was a pound a minute and put me through to some, hardly english speaking, Italian in Italy, normally I'd revel in that but I was pissed off.
Then I got charged twenty quid to change the names. Thing is, I'm confused because the name on the booking for me wasn't my proper name in the first place, Shit I'm mixing up stuff these days.
Anyways, least it's sorted. The tax people however have a total government systems break down which isn't expected to be up and running till next week.
Fecking computer IT people, you'd think they could keep the internet thingy running. Is this not important?
Danz went singing (least said the better)
I feel flu'ey today. Just resting here.
Got to go out tonight to the wedding party.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Yay.... I'm going to Dublin. Can't wait. Posted by Picasa

Taxing Trin.

I got home today to a letter from the tax man. I owe him 8 grand. Funny that seeing I only earn 11 grand.
Apparently I earned 112793.00 quid last year. Not bad for a nurse working 20 hours a week.
Think I may have cocked up the forms oooops.

Plus I booked online to take me and Mum to Dublin for a weekend.
I put my details in...After it was booked it said.
Passenger one... Trinity
Passenger two.... Trinity
Think I hit autofill and it filled in everything in my name.
Help Ryanair!!

Umm you reckon I'm a good mum?
Danz stripped her bed before the sleepover wednesday. I never made it up so she slept with a sheet last night.
I feel guilty, but I just forgot.
Bad Mother.

Oh and a bit of excitement. We're invited to Shaly's Mum's wedding party tomorrow night. Yay. Haven't been out since last July...Well to dress up anyways.
Better get a wedding gift I guess.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Tweenies song has dentists fuming

BBC NEWS Entertainment TV and Radio Tweenies song has dentists fuming:

The Tweenies Fizz, Milo, Jake and the other one have upset Dentists with their sweetie song about eating sweets all day long!!
Personally I HATE the stupid brightly coloured Tweenies. Why do we have to subject our babies to this rubbish?
TV for tots? Bah Humbug. I used to make mine do housework at that age.
Keeps them by far better occupied.

"Sweets for my breakfast, sweets for my lunch,
and sweets for my supper too.
Round ones, square ones, chocolatey eclair ones,
all for me to chew.
I'd be the king in the land of sweets
and munch the whole day through."

Incidentally... I HATE that advert with the green and orange Tic tacs. The one where she gets a flat tyre and the sweeties jump out and change it for her.
Mainly because every time it comes out Abby yells, crap crap rubbish at it.
Some adverts are so pathetic it's untrue.
(But I'm buying some in case I get a flat)

Trin Thoughts

I decided I'm going to lose weight. Today I forgot to eat all day in work. On the way home I was starving. I could have eaten anything. I got home and had some left over beef casserole from last night. After I ate it, I felt bloated like some huge hippo. So I went upstairs and did the usual pukey bit. I'd forgotten how damn good it is to purge. Heaven. The feeling of complete control over your body. I can do ANYTHING.
The Brain zaps are terrible this week. This is caused by the reduction of Effexor. They aren't painful but they are unpleasant. I get some sort of pressure in my head, almost as if a headache may start then little zaps, I call them sparklies. Sometimes I see jagged light, sometimes I can hear them whoosh past my ear. Sometimes they just play in my brain and everytime it makes me gasp with the feeling of it. They make me feel drugged, not drunk. Drunk effects the whole body, numb feelings, this isn't numb. It's my head. I'm unsteady and unbalanced. I take my 75mg of Effexor at 9pm. It takes a good 2-3 hours to reach the blood again then I'm a bit better. Last night, however the sparklies took me to a new level and I felt paranoid and scared. I kept calling Abby and text Danz at 3am. I didn't sleep well and wasn't 'right' at work today. But I coped.
I'm really worried about what will happen when there is no 9pm and they take me off the evil little bastards for good. I honestly don't think I'll be functionable for a while.
I'm hungry again now. Yessssss, fuck you hunger.
I'm worried about Abby.
They've been on holiday a week now. She's sat in here alone. No phone calls, no out with 'mates'. I don't think she has any real friends. I feel worried and upset about her.
She says she wants to stay in, but that's not normal for a 15 year old girl.
I wish she had a real friend. She was in junior school when the divorce happened and the worst of it came on transfer to senior school. I think Abby's complex emotions and inner wranglings prevented her from finding a good friend... Then the bullying happened and she left that school.
She Started this present school, and I was eternally grateful to a certain Miss* (my mates know who) for taking Abby as her friend.
They did everything together and Abby was sooo happy. She so longed for a friend, a best friend.
Then her friend went all weirded out, had problems of her own and after the disatrous party where she ruined Abby's night by getting carted off in an ambulance, they broke up.
Abby said she heard her once bragging about that incident. She has no idea just how traumatised and upset Abby was about it. To her it was ruined.
Then there was Nichole. Abby took to Nichole like honey to a Bee. Nic was different, vibrant, complex, emotional and loyal. Loved with passion. Never had a bad word to say about anyone, esp her parents. Abby respected that. I'm not easy but Abby would never bad mouth me either. Abby adored Nic.
I was so pleased. At last a friend for her, someone who understood all about not fitting in, being different, having a mum who was not quite the norm.
Then she went back to America.
I think Abby grieved for quite some while. She worried about her a lot.
I asked her today.. Did she have any plans? To see anyone? Go anywhere?
All she wants to do is read and watch DVD's. Is that normal?
Danz is a bit too young to have a loyal friend I reckon. She spends 90% of her time with next door's 4 year old boy. He adores her. Ah well, she always wanted a little brother.
Enough from me.

Mad Makosi... Boy How I HATE her. Silly cow. Gives women and nurses a very bad name. She told them today that three patients had died on her. Well I hope she NEVER gets a job in nursing here again. She's vile. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


You Are 23 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Yep that's me 23

Eyeshadow Mr Blair?

Tony and Gordon discuss their latest Virgin Vie Party

Questions on much do they spend on lip gloss?

The Government has spent over a grand on Make-up since Tony Blair became PM. Apparently most of it just prior to Dubya's visit. The lip gloss rolled on then eh Tone??

Green eye Jacuzzi

I've spent a few hours looking for something. I hate it when I can't find stuff. Then I came across this picture and I remembered how I got it. Remember last year my Ex Husband had a Jacuzzi placed in his garden (yawn) Well one day I was coming down stairs and found this carefully folded in quarters and shoved through my letter box. He'd delivered me the brochure page so I could 'jealously' view his latest buy. Hmph.


My Danz in the Paper this week. Clue... she has DARK Sunglasses on and you can only see a bit of her !!

Space the final frontier (for the bird)

Spaceflight Now STS-114 Shuttle Report Launch debris images

Image Hosted by

Interesting titbit from the Space Shuttle launch. It directly hit a bird on the way up!
I still think we don't have the technology for true space travel, hopefully it won't be too long. Positively don't believe we landed on the Moon though.
I shall be watching the shuttle's progress with interest.

Dr Who excitement

Past Dr Who companion to return

I cannot wait for Christmas... No it's nothing to do with Santa. But Dr Who returns. And more excitement. Sarah-Jane returns as well.
Now Sarah-Jane wasn't one of my Favourite companions TBH. She was a bit dipsy and always disobeying the Doctor and getting into trouble. But it is cool that she's coming back. Kind of helps to tie EVERYTHING up. Lush.

That's a big Pistol you got there.

Damn it men in uniform still do it for me. Not many round these parts though, oh apart from the guy that me and Clarrie saw in the Local pub.. wearing the army surplus gear.... ewww.


This is The Band!! At the Wham Festival a few years back. No Wham isn't some joyous Woodstock thing to celebrate the music of George Michael and Andrew Ridgely
Danielle is singing in a 'Stars in their Eyes' kind of special this weekend there. She's doing Anastacia 'Left Outside Alone' (song always reminds me of my mate Exasis, hugs Mate xxxx) Her bloody outfit cost me a fortune. Even if it was only from Asda George.
So watch this space this weekend! BTW Danz was in the Evening Post this week, with the Stars in their Eyes group.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Big Bro

No way would I let ANY of those Housemates touch My Pussies!!! Posted by Picasa

My Sunflowers. This is how obsessive I am... I talk to them and the worst thing someone could do to me, is pull them up and wreck them. *Sigh* Posted by Picasa

Feeding time at the Zoo. Abby and Danielle enjoy their Whiskas. Posted by Picasa
Hey you lot. I'm battling the drug withdrawal blues and I think I'm succeeding (give that girl a medal)
Today has been a quiet , peaceful and pleasant day!
What you may shout. That's hardly interesting to read about.
Well.... You know Bristol is locked in this battle of the dustbins?
The ashmen are only taking ONE tightly closed bin and nothing else! Thing is, if you buy something... say like a trampoline for the kids etc? or some wood flooring like my neighbour. What do you do with the cardboard?
Well the council have one suggestion. Burn it.
So here comes the multitude of emergency calls to the fire service with all these inexperienced single mums setting fire to stuff in their gardens.
Or like some people round here, dump it somewhere. Some kid'll burn it for you. After all it's the school holidays now.
The Bristol Waste Doctor rang me today. Actually she was quite nice. She was pretty appalled at the burn it suggestion. Identified that I had a car and suggested I took it to the tip in Days Road. Fine said, but what about the poor beggers who live around me who havent got cars? There was the hughest black rat in next doors garden a few nights ago. She said that was a problem and was duly sympathetic. I liked her. She didn't annoy me. Always a bonus.
Big Brother has been on most of the day. My neighbour came in. She sat watching it and Derek came in view. "OOOOOOH he's damn hot", she said. "What a gorgeous man. I'd do him. He's gay", I pointed out rather helpfully (I thought) "You're kidding me" she said shocked " No way" oh dear...... bless her.
Then we sat discussing sex for ages. Ha, you men have no idea how dirty women can be when they talk!!
She didn't know what Dogging was... so I filled her in. No that came out wrong... oh well.
There's been thousands and millions of kids around today. Yuck. Wonder where they hide normally? School's only a few hours.
My sunflowers are growing gynormous. When they flower, you'll be the first to know ok?
(see how good I am to you)

Monday, July 25, 2005

This is my bed. Sod off. (funny thing is though my mum's huge fat black Lab sits in it...or rather over it, when she's here) Posted by Picasa


I didn't feel like work today.. But I dragged myself up there and had a good day. Just goes to show eh?
Feeling a bit better in myself. Mind anything would be better than Saturday! What a stupid cow I am.
The kids are in full holiday mode. I just asked Abby to vacuum, well she went through the motions but I feel I'll need to do it again... to pick up the obvious mess she left!
I'm a sad bitch, I got a new iron and ironing board cover. I'm all excited about using it. The joys of being a housewife. Reminds me of some Glenn Campbell song for some reason.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Effexor Withdrawal

Effexor Withdrawal Information Here:

Ok feel sorry for me ;-) the Lamotrigine doesn't work in the same way as effexor so me taking it isn't balancing the withdrawal effects. TBH, I think I've got off pretty lightly so far. But as I get lower it'll get worse. I have a huge suspicion that next time they'll tell me to stop it completely. In the forum I read sometimes, some people have taken a year or more to stop it but I've only had 6 weeks.
Some of the other problems they've had are the god damn awful crying Jags, Crying for no reason, the feelings of wanting to die to get peace, vomiting, diarrhoea, inability to think straight.
I think the main crux of the problem is, that despite not telling me (I am however a nurse and I have interpreted the few choice words they've said) that Effexor has contributed to my physical health being poor ATM. My renal function, blood clotting, headaches, weight gain, hypertension etc.
So it has to go.

"So what's the 'official' word on withdrawal?
Wyeth-Ayerst, the manufacturer of effexor and effexor xr, did a survey of all the patients in the clinical trial's testing program. According to their method of counting, 35% of the Effexor patients experienced withdrawal symptoms ranging from a flu-like syndrome to insomnia, nausea, nervousness, and loss of energy.
Also, from the FDA medical products reporting program, the list of withdrawal symptoms from effexor include:
agitation, anorexia, anxiety, confusion, coordination impaired, diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, dysphoric mood, fasciculation, fatigue, headaches, hypomania, insomnia, nausea, nervousness, nightmares, sensory disturbances (including shock-like electrical sensations), somnolence, sweating, tremor, vertigo, and vomiting.
One more common effect not mentioned above is long term vision problems.
Most likely, 35 percent is an underestimate of Effexor's withdrawal problems. Drug companies, like so many other companies (does Enron ring a bell?) are quite adept at 'playing with the numbers'.
What's not in dispute is the high number of 'serious' side effects from withdrawal.
The FDA defines as 'serious' any side effect that causes
permanent disability, or
birth defects. "


For anyone reading this blog last night. I just want to say sorry.
Ok excuses. My reduction of the frankly evil venlafaxine is taking it's toll. I've gone down by 2/3 now. I've been up at 2am every night vomiting. Not even sure if I've kept any of it down.
I've also started these damn hormone tablets and I'm so bloody randy. I even bought a hat from that Cheeky boy website to access the unzipped section. FFS! The joys of being a woman.
But yesterday, was a wild and weird day. I thought I was ok, but seeing as I stayed in bed till 2pm... I guess the evaluation of my general mental health was misjudged to say the least.
I was high. I knew it. I was loud and nuts at the hair dressers. I was taking pictures of myself and sending them to people? Me? I think I'm the ugliest person in history. Then we went to the BBQ and I was OTT. Then a misunderstanding brought me back to earth with a huge crash and there spiked the enormous low. A low to the point of wanting to end it all. Now none of it was anyone's fault. It could have been anything that spiked the low. A high is always followed by the low. It's the joys of being bi-polar.
Can you completely understand why I alienate people against me?, why I live alone?, why I see a shrink?
Anyways. All over, I feel a bit battered today (like a nice piece of cod)
Thanks for your comments and for being patient. I did warn you a while back there may be some unstableness approaching.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Oh yes deep joy. At last eye candy for The Trin........

Where to buy your party pants from.... Party pants??
Oh well....roll on the party.

School Holidays

Sorry Guys. Not been too well (ill not crazy) for a few days.
Yesterday was the last day of school and with it Danielle's last day in primary school. My girls all grown up!
I went to her school leavers ceremony in the hall. An emotional, but happy and positive event. Danz spent a fair bit of it in tears. She was a bit overcome by the whole thing.
They showed a DVD they'd made about school, sang a song called "We're leaving". Were all presented with dictionaries that were subsequently signed by all the teachers.

The leaving class of 2005

Danz and her friends. They had their school polo shirts signed!!
My oldest friend's littlest one Kieran and his GF Sophie...They're only 5 and inseparable!

Mr Hall signs all their dictionaries. He's a very good head teacher. Caring, strong and very human.

A final chance to show off the dancing, in the million pound new extension to the school. The Core.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I can't sleep. To start with next door were rowing, a blazing shouty argument. Then I started to think about work. And I couldn't stop. Today was actually fine but there's lots of minor political rows about whose job it is to do what.
Now when my own ward is open we don't have those problems. Either me George or the receptionist did the jobs between us with a little help from the secretaries if we got stuck. It was all friendly and very much the team working together for the good of the kids.
Now we're on the big ward, the workload is doubled and those jobs (which I admit aren't nursing things at all) are shared between us all, and they keep GETTING IT WRONG. 9 times out of 10 I then have to undo it all and start again. TBH They don't even know the half of what I do. That's ok...I like it. I feel needed and important.
But now the team are saying they can't cope and another system needs to be found and I think hang on a cotton picking minute you lot. WTF do you think I've been doing for years?
It's been racing round my head and on the way round the track picking up other shreds of discord and frustration.
And I started to cry and panic ...I'm working tomm have to get up at 7am feck feck feck.
I feel better now. I got tea and toast and I phoned work and luckily my mate was on and I ranted crazily for ten minutes and she told me to stop worrying about it. It's only a job and I should leave it at the ward door (hmph right... I think only me worries about anything)
Anyway it helped to talk.
And write to you my little blogger and to think I seriously was going to delete you earlier.
Fucking change of meds eh?
Crazy stupid ugly bitch.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Big Brother 6

I am a Big Brother fanatic. It's been a staple part of my life for 6 years now. I watch it during the day and look forward to the evening show.
But this year I'm so sad. It's ruined. The people in the house are the vilest bunch of obnoxious idiots I have ever seen. Not one of them is likeable and even if maybe they do have a chink of niceness about them, the rest of the housemates dreadful behaviour soon syphons it out of them in nanoseconds.
There's the megalomaniac Makosi who talks about herself as a third person and is the most irritating woman ever. I really hope she gets deported tout suite when she gets out. That is the first time I have EVER thought that way. She is ugly inside and out.
Kemal. A strange guy who has no idea who he is and where he is going. Diva. Goes on and on and on.
Eugene. Geek. Trying. Full stop
Orlaith. Self Love. Why is she in there?
Derek..... wtf?
Anthony. Strange dancer with monkey features. Abby has far more interesting male friends
Craig. Creepy touchy feely gives gay men a really bad name.
Science...Come on "science"? Why are we calling him that? Stupid name. His idea of communication to shout at the top of his voice. Needs his hearing checked.
There is no bonding. No friendship. No moral values . No working together to achieve a community.
Tonight I switched it off. For the very first time, the TV went off. I couldn't watch it. I'm so sad about it. Ok I know it's only a TV programme but when I was really depressed it was TV I could watch and get into. This series is enough to cause a flaming relapse.
What have they done to it?
I'd rather watch Big Ron jack off on The Farm and Keith and Orville bum than BB ATM.
God help me.

Euan watch

Euan Blair in Bristol having just graduated with a second class honors degree in Ancient History. Handsome boy....obv. doesn't take after his mother ;)


117 poodles

It's not the story of the couple who kept 117 poodles locked in small cages, or the appeal for blankets and foster homes. What caught my eye was the advert for village flea outfit above...... get it 117 dogs and village flea outlet? well made me laugh anyways.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

what a lovely watch

A sweet picture from planetdan (right)

I want one of the watches I found on planet dan. At first glance innocence but click the link above and see what it really holds!
Buy them here... click

Make your own Coldplay art

The Presurfer : (thanx)
"Coldplay's latest album 'X&Y' has some colored blocks on its cover. The blocks are arranged in a code developed in 1874 by Emile Baudot, to be used by telegraphers transmitting messages across wires. The code uses visual representations of 1's and 0's in a 5 digit sequence corresponding with particular letters of the alphabet and typographic symbols."

Make your own Coldplay cover here

This is Trinity's Cover.

Cool huh?

for an old mate

I really miss Mr Bubbles. I think about him a lot. If you're out there mate somewhere, I loves you and misses you and hope you're doing ok.


Thanks everyone for those great comments below. I'm ok honestly. No-one needs to worry about me. Strong independent woman - right ;)
I saw my Shrink today. I like her, she's strong and gentle and safe and lenient and she understands yet she tells me what to do and I do it.
But she's leaving. I get a Dr Ali in 2 weeks.
I have to make a bigger move and swapping the drugs and I'm worried about it. If I'm not exactly normal (that's a joke huh) over the next few weeks please don't think bad of me or stop being my mates ok?
It'll all come out in the wash.
I'm dreading next week. School holidays. Abby doesn't do anything I tell her. Grr she better buck up her ideas.She had her brace off today. You know the episode of Friends when Ross uses that tooth whitener? well she looks so different. Her teeth are so white. She hates it, she wants it back on. She had an hour off school first thing this morning for counselling and had to leave school after lunch for the Orthodontist. But I made her go in for the majority of the day. She was so pissed off with me. She told me I was 'having a laugh' sending her back. Yes I was laughing..... I got a bit of peace!
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usOMG Trinny and Susannah what not to wear on holiday on TV. What does it matter what you wear? Surely comfort?
Mind this is my fathers feet. Today...Yes today. I am never ever going on holiday with HIM again.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Big Mistake

I made mistake today. It was Danielle's school open evening. Mainly for kids starting there in September but also for the mums and grans etc to look around. I was going to go with my neighbour but she was having a melt down, then the ex rang. He wanted the kids. He said he'd take them to Asda and buy them something. The thought of an hour's peace was all too tempting. But I thought what about her open evening... I wasn't fussy really. She leaves in 4 days. I asked what time he was coming back and he got all moody and snappy and said it's his kids he'd bring them back when he was finished. So I told him about open evening and he said he wanted to go, he'd take her. As I don't want to be in the same building as him I decided to stay home.
When they got back Danz was agitated...Oh he'd bought her a scoubie book, ok.
But apparently the teachers were available to comment on the SAT results and reports. So EX had gone in as her 'parent'. He'd asked if Danz wears her purple dyslexia glasses he'd bought her. No, the teacher told him...She wasn't even aware she was dyslexic (she's a 6 week supply teacher......But still! FFS) Danz said, why do you think I go to special lessons then? She couldn't answer.
I inwardly groaned. That'll set him off.
Yes, within 5 minutes he was on the phone. Questions
Had I ever been in that school? (FFS does he think I'm an idiot)
Did I know what a good girl her teacher thinks she is? (umm yes)
Did I know her teacher didn't know she was dyslexic (obv. The extra help is doing it's job stuppo)
Why am I covered in bruises? Has someone hit me? What's going on?
Now he'll have me down as being in a relationship with someone who hits me.
Thing is, if I thought he cared it wouldn't be so bad. But he doesn't care. He's just being nosey. Something else to write in his big black book he keeps on me.
"18th July 2005. Kids mother covered in big purple bruises, worried for kids safety".
I'm very down today.
One of those days.
I should have gone to Danz's evening myself.... Stupid, hopeless mother I am.
Oh yes...Abby? She took today off. Felt 'sick'
so we never went 4 weeks without a day off..We made three. I may as well just wear a tee-shirt. Crap Mother here ------->


Some Moving pictures....... 21st century or what?
Click here to watch 'DSCN1948'
Bailey eating cream in the garden...ok twee I know
Click here to watch 'Trins-Garden-18-07-2005-17-42-56'
Garden Shot.
Click here to watch 'DSCN1341'
Bailey finds Hampy FACINATING. Sorry the indoor shots are quite grainy... I need a nice 5mb cam
Click here to watch 'DSCN1197'
Nic at Clifton. She was lush
Click here to watch 'DSCN0959'
Abby in her school play...still grainy sorry
Click here to watch 'DSCN1202'
Clifton Suspension Bridge..Abby and Nic.

Just me playing with the Net!! ;)

Sunday, July 17, 2005


The sunny weather is making me feel better....Sort of... Then why tonight do I feel really pissed off?
I'm bleeding again. I never filled the prescription for those evil Hormone tablets. I take enough pills already. But I am very tired and heady. Saying that though we had a full day, washed the car, mowed the lawn, housework ironing and gardening. An amazing amount of stuff. But I slept in between everything. Danz had fun in Creally but the scouting mini bus broke down , luckily she was on the coach. The mini bus was full of little Rainbows. What a nightmare for them.
Any kind of interaction with my Ex Husband unsettles me. He phoned to say he'd probably buy Abby the new Harry Potter book Saturday. But she doesn't trust him and was desperate so bought it herself. He never rang so she called him today, the feisty 15 year old. Nope he hadn't bought it for her, apparently he couldn't find it. She asked where he'd looked and he said Martin's The Newsagent. A tiny newspaper confectionery shop at the end of his road. Twat.
Then he said that he couldn't talk to her because he had all his family around. It was his brother's little girl's 4th Birthday and they were having a party for her. All HIS family? Ummm are they not all Abby's family too? Abby loves her cousins and her paternal grandfather and his GF. She is always moaning that she never sees them. Well, she came off the phone in floods of tears. That man has absolutely no idea how to interact, treat or understand either of his kids.
All HIS family? I could cry, honestly I could. Aren't my girls HIS family? Why aren't they the most important people in the whole world to him?
Damn it I know Abby isn't easy. I live with her, but she's just a child, a child whose had much of her childhood taken away and will never get it back.
Everytime he makes her cry my heart bleeds and feel I have to work harder, give more and do more to make it up. Maybe that's why I feel sad today. You see I'm tired of it really but what choice do I have?

War Of The Worlds

Well she drove me nuts to go to the cinema, so finally I gave in and we went. War Of The Worlds.
There we far more people here than I thought considering it was such a hot day.
The film started well. It laid the family story down quickly and we were straight in to the action. The arrival of the first tripod was amazing, the action fast and believable. Tom's reaction of shock and horror excellent and the tension building to fever pitch.
My grip has to do with the interminable teen boy. Yes, Abby he was hot. He was a good actor but his negative attitude and constant arguing with his father in face of such utter devastation and loss of life got on my nerves, frankly after 1/2 hour I wished the tripod would zap him. Then he sods off. One 17 year old boy to face the tripods. Stupid fool I wanted to yell, go be fried.
The scene in the middle with Tim Robbins...Well utter crap. I guess it was put there because we couldn't have Tom and Dakota running all over the country screaming for an hour. Also it gave Tom chance to think and find out more about the tripods. But what a lot of rubbish.
The let down however is the ending. Ok I did enjoy the film and to be fair, they crammed more action in for our enjoyment but the ending hung on one sentence from the Book and then a twee ending of perfection. Yes Abby cried a bit.
I was well pissed that the first beats of da da da Jeff Waynes music weren't played at the end. Just this doom music.
Worth seeing.... Well yes. Not sure about it's effects being as good on the small screen though. But Tom Cruise was excellent, his heroics were for the love of his kids. And actually he wasn't THAT heroic. Nothing stupid often settling for being quiet and hiding, like anyone would do in that kind of crisis.

Early Sunday

Had to get up early to take Danz to the coach. She's gone to Crealy on a guiding district event. Over 100 kids loading onto buses with their navy blue clad leaders to spend the day sizzling in an adventure place. Even though I am a guider it still amazes me that these people VOLUNTEER to do this.
So she's gone for the whole day.
I still got the dog, she was good overnight. My next door neighbours little boy took a shine to her and wouldn't leave her alone. She's a right misery and kept looking at me with pleading eyes...Make him stop. She also smells of Dog.
Bailey is driving me insane. The back door is open because of the heat. She's going out the back, skipping up the alleyway to the front door then meowing at the top of her lungs until I open the door, then she does the same again. It's a great game. Make Trin jump, show her whose the boss. Plus more than a small bit of 'This is my house dog, watch what I can make her do'.
I found out my neighbour had run out of gas and and cash and couldn't cook, she never told me, I overheard her tell someone she couldn't use the oven. So I insisted she borrowed a fiver, she made a fuss. A lovely girl. She'd never ask for help. I finally won (as I always do) so she's cooking us roast pork today for dinner.
And we have to go to the cinema. Abby will burst if she doesn't see at least ONE of the new movies.
I've practically filled up my Ipod. I'm a bit shocked. Maybe have to take a few tracks off. I downloaded. John Miles 'Music' , some Reuben, the Simian track 'La Breeze' (here it comes), and the Carpenters ' Calling occupants' last night. Naff you reckon? They all have a place in Trin's history. I got an email from Reuben once.
Right back to bed.... well you didn't think I was getting up this early now did you?

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Bailey Time

Look at my beautiful Baby. Posted by Picasa

Harry P Yay

We got the New Harry Potter book today 8 quid in Asda. Abby's upstairs reading it. Danz has gone to practise for some talent show in 2 weeks and I'm all alone and peaceful. I have got my mum's dog Lucy-May here though. She hates it here and hates me so looks so damn miserable. If only Bailey would stop jumping on her tail she may cheer up. The joys of Saturdays. Posted by Picasa