Tuesday, August 31, 2004

This is better

On a happier BBC Radio Note. Radio 7 are broadcasting John Wyndhams 'Day of the Triffids' in instalments starting tomorrow night at 6pm. This book is simply ace, people reacting in crisis. Horror and suspense, from a master author.


The decline of radio One

I left for work at 8.30. The car radio is set at Radio One and for the life of me I can't get any other channels, so I'm stuck. Two tracks were played back to back. Nelly 'its hot in herre' and Keane 'Bedshaped' (not an ace combo). Then I drove on as you do not really paying attention. Suddenly I realised it was 8.55 and no other records had been played, instead we had dickhead Chris Moyles and his pathetic cronies (I hate comedy Dave) wittering on about some crap. For 5 mins they quoted lines from Robbie Williams Angels. Forgive me for asking but isn't radio one about MUSIC? where has the music gone? In disgust I chucked in a Radiohead Tape and drove on.
But this reminded me. In the car coming back from the train station yesterday Scott Mills (whose okish) invited anyone to call in with any REQUEST and he'd play it. In calls Sarah from East England. Sarah had been out the night before with her 'cool m8's' They'd had such a laff. Ended up walking home singing 'Spoonful of sugar' at the top of their voices. What a group of super jokers! :chortle: So she wanted the Mary Poppins song played to remind her of her 'super' time.
AND THE FECKER PLAYED IT. All of it...To the last note.
  • Why was Sarah listening to radio one and not in a psychiatric ward?
  • Why was Sarah allowed to chose such crap and offend our ears in such a way?
  • Does this mean any old Max Bygraves record is now fair play?
  • where has the cutting edge of radio gone?
  • Are they completely stupid?

So that's twice in 48 hours I switched off. Is the end nigh? TBH? Yes I'm sure it is.

Monday, August 30, 2004


I thought I'd explain a bit about why work is so vile ATM. I've worked on the kids unit since September 1986. Wow 18 years! I come of age.
When I started it was always known that the unit would shut at some point. The problem is that a kids unit within a city hospital isn't idea. The unit is great but we use adult facilities for surgery, x-ray, ecg, audiology...You name it we use it. The Children's charter encourages designated Children's Hospitals and I respect that. However I feel we are an excellent unit. We are caring and efficient.
Over the 18 years the news that 'we are closing' has raised its ugly head many times. To be honest, to begin with I'd get twitched and worried. No-one really embraces change, to that degree. But now I think ...Oh yeah heard it all before.
But this time it seems suddenly more final. We do seem to be moving. Somewhere. Where? Who knows.
There isn't room for us at the Children's Hospital and as we take 65% of all the city's Children. That's quite a need. There's been talk of 'blasting' out a cave under the hospital for us..... How lovely! a ward with no windows at all.
Truth is I actually want to move to the children's Hospital. Its just I want to move with the staff I'm working with now and the general Paediatric specialty I work with now.
The kids Hospital is a prestitious place. It gets all the attention and money. Its new and sparkly and its on a good bus route from my new home.
Its big change but I'm sure it will be ok eventually.
But where does that leave my present work. Well not replacing nurses who leave for a start. Also a lot of insecure people who either don't want to work at the Kids (it is very different, and the trust isn't hugely caring) the parking in town is very bad. If they aren't on a bus route? Well tough luck. So rather than sit and wait they are actively looking to move somewhere where they want to work. Rather than be placed somewhere. Don't blame them really.
So like rats leaving the sinking ship, they go. And we sink. And those left work harder to maintain the service for the clients. Apathy sets in. Sickness rate rises. No-one is happy. They leave.
I am a kids nurse. I cannot return to adults. But I do not know what will happen. This winter will be tough for us all. Watch this space

Where's Bond?

It's bank holiday Monday. I can cope with the lack of sun but where's James Bond? I just sat through the soaps with Danz. Eastenders was as miserable as sin. Hasn't Den aged? and wow he looks so bad. Usually I find men look more attractive as they age. Must be all the late nights online? Real Londoners are so much more colourful and fun.
Coronation Street was weird. Karen was going mad. And I detest that Cilla character. She makes me reach for the off button. Real Manchester's can hold their drink so much better!
Danz just asked me if she was 12 what her birthday would be. She's online in some chat place. 1992 I told her, then thought....hmmmm did she ought to be there? I guess she'll get found out by her spelling though. She's got her fathers academic brain not mine I fear (slightly bitchy moment there)
I'm looking forward to September because my mate Clarrie's coming to stay, (better chuck out all the fattening stuff) She's a veggie so I need a recipe for dinner. Easy one too as my cooking isn't fabulous. I do other things so much better ;-)
Better get the wine in too. And the gin, and the Vodka, and the beer.
Got to go see HellBoy this week. Seeing the director is my new best friend

Taylor caught in the act. For some reason he only likes fresh running water. This means I am constantly cleaning the sink. We get through more cleaning products than bloody British Rail I reckon! Posted by Hello

Train Tales and Welsh Shops

Bank Holiday Monday 2004. Danz's treat. Very jealous that her sister had been to London, she wanted her day. She choose a train journey to Cardiff. She hasn't been on a train for 4 years and that was all but forgotten so she was a bit excited. We arrived at the station to find the train was delayed 15 minutes. Ok nothing abnormal for British Rail. But when it did come...Well It was this two carriage motorised thing. Didn't even look like a train. I could see the disappointment in her face. We got on. There were two rows of very tightly packed together seats. Your knees were crammed up to the seat in front and the seat back was filthy. In fact the whole train wasn't just dirty, it was ground in years of filth. The seats, the floors the windows. Absolutely disgusting. And it smelt. I had to use the loo. What a mistake. The sink was covered in some brown staining and the toilet completely blocked up. There was litter from other passengers...Lots of litter. Half eaten food and wrappers but underneath all of that the grime was awful. I felt dirty just sitting on it. And I paid £12 for that? The ticket collector....a rather cocky young man came round and I mentioned the filth. 'You aren't the first to complain', he said sharply, 'but nothing I can do about it Its how people leave the place'. I don't think so? That train hadn't been cleaned for years.
Anyways we had a good day. Danz got a dress for the wedding and we bought one for Abby which was greeted with indifference. The train back home was a bit nicer. We had a table and a drinks service so Danz was appeased a bit. Cardiff is frankly so dull after London though. Shops are ok but they need more things to do. You can't entice visitors to a city on the draw of one Castle (even if it is a good one) I'm tired now.
My senior in work just rang me to say she's leaving. She got a job in the 'walk in centre' with Barbs. Work is going to be vile. Both of them have been with us for years and years.
Abby has gone to Danika's to celebrate the Goth one's Birthday. She has her bodice on we bought in Camden! Two more days till school starts. Can't wait! Posted by Hello

The next capital city

Today I'm taking Danz to Cardiff on the train. We're going to try find her a suitable outfit for the wedding in 2 weeks time. This is her treat day without Abby (whose elected to be home alone!)
I googled for stuff to do in Cardiff...and there isn't a huge amount TBH. Maybe we will lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe again... so see you all later

Happy Birthday Danika!

Happy Birthday my sweet little Donut face. DANIKA. All the likkle mice from the tube station came to blow out your candles!
ps Loves you lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPosted by Hello

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Edgar Allen Poe

"When I had waited a long time, very patiently, without hearing him lie down, I resolved to open a little a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily until, at length a single dim ray, like the thread of the spider, shot from out the crevice and fell full upon the vulture eye. It was open wide, wide open and I grew furious as I gazed upon it. I saw it with perfect distinctness all a dull blue, with a hideous veil over it that chilled the very marrow in my bones; but I could see nothing else of the old man's face or person: for I had directed the ray as if by instinct, precisely upon the damned spot"
"The Tell Tale Heart"

Read it. A tale so perfectly written of madness and murder.

Bye London

Last Picture for you! what was our fav part of the trip?....the Tubes of course. The girls loved them. From the ticket machines to the tiny mice who run the lines. The huge escalators and the slightly sinister feel of the dark tunnels. The girls want to go up again...next time alone! They fancy New Years Eve in T Square. Hmmmmmm not sure London's quite ready......... Just yet. Posted by Hello

Saturday morning. Camden town take two. Goth shops galore! Danika bought a orange shirt with 'Psychiatric ward Patient' emblazoned on the back. She wore this home with her handcuffs on. We got quite a few stares esp. At the sleepy little historical Salisbury. Posted by Hello

A facination for us. A male urinal. In Old Compton Street...you just whip it out and pee. WOW , unfortunately despite standing there for quite a while I couldn't see anyone using us and we got moved on (sorry Mr Policeman) Posted by Hello

China Town Started a new game. Chat up the bouncer. Danika started it. We went up to each one, told them they looked lush. Asked them whether being a bouncer was fun and what part of it they liked the best. "Is it kicking people out" Danika asked blood thirstily? Nah this one said "its meeting people like you" as he hugged the girls!!! And I took a picture. I had a job dragging Dan away. Friendly bunch Soho Bouncers you know. Posted by Hello

Trafalgar Square at night. A picture of serenity....not. Within 2 seconds they were splashing in the water and getting me bloody soaked! T S had a huge screen showing the Olympics. Hundreds of people were sat around in the warm humid night (it stopped raining) It was a party atmosphere. We decided to walk up Pall Mall to shout at the Queen but couldn't find her, then we were stopped by a businessman in a suit and a Scots man...rather drunk. They told us to stuff the Queen and go and see Soho. So off we went, popping into Planet Hollywood plus Hard rock cafe on the way. Up Gerard Street (heart of Chinatown) with the colourful restaurants and lights. Taking in the smells and noise. I loved it. Wished I could have spent all night there. Then over to Old Compton Street The gayest Street In Britain. They were out in force. The gay and the beautiful. Humping each other. Kissing. Dressed up... Love it! Posted by Hello


Guillermo del Toro director of the new film 'Hellboy' signing books at the Forbidden Planet (best shop in the world) London. He also directed Mimic and Blade II. I queued up in a back street for 1/2 hour with about 40 men and 2 other women. plus some rather annoying little London street kids (who should have been out cleaning chimneys) When my turn came he was charming. Asked where I came from, shook my hand. I asked if I could take a picture and he agreed. I took two. This one I said was a bit sullen...he said 'take another and I'll smile. It might not be sincere but it will be compelling' (also slightly fuzzy so I'm showing you this one) we also had a discussion that lots of people mistake him for Michael Moore. Then he shook my hand and thanked me for coming. Lush man. I went over to the till to pay for the book, behind was a huge display with Hellboy costumes. Some Asian guy asked me if Michael Moore was over there...and I laughed! On the way back to the hotel I got completely lost and walked for miles.
Posted by Hello

A very wet river boat cruise but lots of fun. Beautiful boat! The river police kept following us! the girls learnt quite a lot about London History (so did I ) besides it got us out and stopped the girls ordering room service (with wine!) London's got so many bridges! My fav is Tower Bridge. I got a pic of it in my lounge on the wall.Posted by Hello

A fab view of London on a drab day. Danika's phone rang whilst we were on top the eye and some old Man moaned...stupid sod. I hate the elderly who abhor technology. The Eye was lush. I loved it and so did the girls. We had our picture taken on the way down and I bought some for special friends. Posted by Hello

We head for the London Eye! With rain and wind lashing around us.  Posted by Hello


The Girls hit Camden. Abby buys tee-shirts and Shoes. A tee-shirt with 'I'm not A Bitch, I'm THE bitch and it's Miss Bitch to you'. Danika buys a Goth Lace Cape and acquires a pair of very High heeled boots normally reserved for a spot of lap dancing!....Well it is her birthday Monday! She's very taken with her Handcuff buy. A Snap at a fiver. Complete with furry covers (if required) The girls are amazed at the amount of magic Mushroom shops there are. Danika was upset that no-one looked at her...Normally she gets a few raised eyebrows at her attire but she was very down dressed for the streets of Camden full of Goths, punks and well...... The simply Strange but beautiful people. Posted by Hello

First we have to get there!

The train was jam packed full of Reading Festival makers. All with tons of luggage, pack bags, kettles hanging, stoves and tents. A happy lot though all couldn't wait to get there (in the mud!) This guy sat opposite me, next to Danika. He's called Liam and he's in a band called Fat men can jump He shared his Chocolate Eclairs with me and we talked music and stuff. He'd left his mobile phone on the previous train but was so chilled he didn't care. We met some more guys from a band called Abcess who were lush too. The train went right past the Reading site. I could see the main stage and all three of us wanted to get out and go with Liam. (I think the girls had their own agenda there tbh!) Shame the damn weather was so shit. I went to Reading two years ago and saw the Stripes, strokes, weezer and Feeder etc. It was one of the best days of my life! Posted by Hello

Teen Bonding weekend (may as well be called bondage)

This weekend I took Abby and honory daughter Danika to London. It was Danika's first time in our country's capital city and both of them were v excited.
Our Itinery
Thursday am
caught Train to Paddington
Arrived at Hotel "The Bonnington"
Took Tube to Camden Markets
Where we swept the shops and took in the Goth wear
Dinner at Marine Ices
Pizza and lush Ice-cream
Then drinks in the Punch and Judy Pub. Covent Garden
Friday am
After breakfast. Took tube to Waterloo
For our London Eye Trip and River Boat Cruise
Then Visit to Forbidden Planet Shaftebury Avenue to meet Guillermo del Toro , director of Hellboy.
After Dinner in Pizza Express we made our way to Trafalgar Square.
Then were going to see the Queen but got diverted by a drunk Scots and ended up in China Town
Saturday am
Revisit to Camden Market then home via Salisbury as Paddington was shut!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Through the Keyhole (not that I lock it!)

My new look Bedroom, Tab top curtains that I put up myself. Voile from Ikea and a new Duvet set. Who sleeps in a bed like this? Posted by Hello

Best Place in the House

My Latest Ebay Purchase. A Princess Canopy. And look who sleeps beneath the pink net? Princess Kizzy Kat. She knows her place. Posted by Hello
Where the feck is every bastard with a car going today? 2pm I'm trying to get out of Bristol to head towards Weston to dump child number two. And the traffic is at a standstill. Far worse than morning rush hour. And everywhere you look there's mums in cars with brats and old Gits with iron grey hair doing 10 miles an hour. Where are these people going? Then there's the boy racer truckers who think they own the road and travel fast down the wrong lane and believe some sappy bastard will let them in and jump the Queue, well hahaha you met your match...I knew your game and I wasn't playing. I kept right up the car in front bumper and maneuvered my road position so it cut him off and he had to stop. Gave Abby a few grey hairs but no-one gets the better of Trinity behind the wheel. NO-ONE!
Now I'm home and packing. I'm taking teens from hell to London for the weekend. Staying in posh central hotel. Got the Ferris wheel booked for Friday and a Yacht up the Thames.
God Help London

Wish List

I think My wish list is the coolest out of Steve's and Clazza's.
Mine is much more contemporary and has no BUS books or Rough Reggae!

Incidentally only 123 days left till Christmas.

Steve was mean to me. He commented that I wanted rather a lot and why didn't I just call up Amazon and have the entire list added to it. He's just jealous of my exquisite taste.

No it can't be true

You're Peter!
You're Peter!
Take Which New Labour Minister Are You? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Various jobs have passed you by - Northern ireland Minister, for one.
Yes, you're Tony's lover boy (cough). You've had a few hard knocks but are currently under the channel (unfortunately without millstone) but on the Eurostar, pity. In terms of government, technically you've got no hope now you've been sent to Europe, but you seem to be rather vampirish.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Me Sad

My bestest work mate Barbie, is leaving. She got a job in a council estate Walk in Health Centre. More money and more freedom, than ward work. But I'm gonna miss her sooo much. I just text her that and she text me back.
'You can come see me at work
I'll dish you out the morning after pill'
She'll miss me......... I hope.

Lacuna Coil

Just heard these play on Kerrang. I liked them. Kind of a much much better Evanescence. I find Amy-Lee's voice irritating. This groups singer is called Cristina Scabbia (lol scabies!) and they're Italian. She has the most beautiful voice with Crystal clarity that when sung with the dark rock beat and lyrics gives it a Goth, ethereal, celestial feel. I was quite captured by it and that hasn't happened for a little while...... plus LOVE the shoes!
Posted by Hello

b a d lyrics

I wish I could write songs. But alas my descriptive capabilities fail me. Plus I can't play a note. But some people are like me and STILL manage to make millions. Take the super ugly Chad from Nickelback. He has women falling at his feet literally according to his lyrics

I like your pants around your feet
I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
You're like my favourite damn disease

This is their new song I just heard on Kerrang. Hmmm not quite girl power is it?. He should be damned grateful he's got a girl on her knees. I wouldn't touch him with my union jack umbrella.

Avril Lavigne is also driving me nuts. The girls REFUSE to allow her off the car stereo and I find myself singing her lyrics all day at work. Which is awful, 'he was a bloody skater boy indeed' but one of her 'cool' lyrics always makes me laugh.

Try to tell me what I shouldn't do
You should know by now,
I wont listen to you
Walk around with my hands up in the air
Cause I don't care

Since when has walking around with our arms in the air signified 'we don't care'? I'm gonna try it on Thursday. 'Freak out and let it go' Walk around London with my arms in the air and, hey world 'fuck you' , cos I simply don't care. (plus I look like a tosser)

Monday, August 23, 2004

Hands that do dishes

A seldom seen and rare shot of modern teen life. Abby donning the marigolds in preparation to wash the dishes. Note the happy face and the 'I am enjoying this' body language. A classic moment for History. Posted by Hello

This is today. Bristol 2004. A lovely Summers day. We had about 6 inches of rain that came through the electronic doors in work and flooded the unit. My manager was up to her ankles in rain water trying to unblock the leaves from the drains. Very funny! BUT where is the sun?  Posted by Hello

Dogging Up the Lions

I love Longleat . Its beautiful stately home and grounds and all the animals. It's always a treat to go there especially on a good sunny day. I love the gorilla on the island with the satellite TV to himself (wonder if he watched the crap English Olympic efforts) but going to Longleat for the scenery has taken a new meaning.
Longleat has become a popular place for Dogging. People having sex in cars whilst others watch (Stan Collymore's fav sport). I see the place in a whole new light. And shall be visiting very soon ;-)

There is a scene in The New Film DodgeBall where Ben Stiller pumps up his pants to make his bulge BULGE and projects it forwards towards the revolted Christine Taylor who then vomits. This is how I feel about Peter 'insania' Andre and his 'maiden of purity' Jordan. The more I hear or see of them the more nauseous I feel. I'm turned off by magazines with them in. I gag at his video with Ms Price frolicking about in the background. How do these uncharasmatic, selfish and thick people make it to media Stars? I blame reality TV. I can't think of one single reality TV personality I actually like.

Pop Rant

I want whoever signed me up for the Westlife News letter to own up so I can remove you from my Christmas Card List (my cards are renowned)
I see Natasha Bedinfect hit the number one slot with her flouncy skirt syndrome. Next stop the Ex Westlifer McFatten with his insipid 'Real to Me' which includes the heart jerking words, 'When I see my Babies Run' The destruction of our music Charts must stop here. We just don't need this sappy boy band crap anymore. The future lies in Kerrang.


Nickleodeon is on TV and they've been advertising all day the brand new series of Blossom. What a rip off. This is the series from the 80's and the content and fashion sense reflect it. Blossom has been banned from the junior high prom as her dad feels at 13 she's too young to date. Really? todays kids are more interested in body bars, gig's and safe sex. Sad though it sounds this is totally unreflective of todays youth and showing Blossom's not going to make that change one bit.


"Papa's got a brand new blog
wherever he laid his thoughts was his home
And when he left
All he left Trinny
Was Alone"
(sing it again brothers)


Sunday, August 22, 2004

The Mystical Rose

My Birthday Rose is Dying. Waaah I don't want to remain a Beast forever. Who will save me? Posted by Hello
I feel so lively today. I think the Iron is kicking in! I haven't felt like sleep at all! I did all the housework. Went out for lunch. Did thousands of bits of washing. Such a damn good mother.
I had an email last night from a friend I lost touch with a while back. It was good to hear from her and the girls were delighted. They missed her.
I'm becoming totally hooked on HMTL , deciphering the codes and adding more and more to the template. Hope you like the tag box!
The girls loved the care bear quiz. Danika was a Bondage Bear and Abby a raver Bear.
Back to work tomorrow. Want to give up nursing and be a web designer. And work in London and Have my own office. And be surrounded by MEN...MEN everywhere.
Need to lie down now

A day with Daddy

The girls are getting ready for some quality time with their Daddy. Abby has a white basque on fishnet tights. Boots, make up and a short denim skirt. Can't wait to see his face.
**** Well he arrived. Wearing navy blue shorts, a blue tee-shirt, long black socks and white Nicks Trainers. He raised his eyebrows at Abby's attire and gave me a long hard stare which I ignored. Danika has her slipknot cd to play in the car. I almost (but not quite) feel sorry for the prick.

Savage Saturday

After an enormously long lie in (lazy bitch) I finally got up and we hit the shops. First stop was the Tattoo and body piercing shop. Abby was very nervous but trying hard not to show it. The shop is small bright with a couple of huge friendly looking tattooists. There was two rows of chairs filled up with nervy looking men and women. It appeared from listening though it was the women who were all having stuff done. In the back room, the den of pain there was a young girl having her back done. She was screaming loudly much to the amusement of her friends. A Chav bunch with white jeans high heels and scraped back hair.
The array of tattoos available to the public were posted over the walls. Ranging from about £15 to about £500. TBH there were none I'd have liked. I don't even like butterflies. There was a whole page of Disney ones...Winnie the Pooh, Bambi and Shrek. Now you tell me who'd have Disney on their butt?
Abby went next, as the piercings only take a few minutes. I was actually impressed with the procedure. It was clean and the equipment was medical. She lay down on the bed and I was waiting for her scream and he said that's it. All done. Boy was she proud of herself.
Then we hit town. Traffic was awful today and there was some motorcycle rally....Hundreds of them parked all over the place.
I bought a book on HMTL. I been tweaking the blog today and am very pleased with myself. HMTL is like a foreign language but I'm picking it up fast.
I bought some new bedroom curtains....Lush cream and lilac with tab tops but this meant I had to use a spanner thingy to undo the screws on the curtain pole. I am getting so good at DIY! So many jobs and no tears.
Then we collected Danika and the two of them compared scars. Danika is on the laptop talking to her sweetheart from Egypt who wants her and Abby to fly over next year and visit him (I think not) He's a Christian apparently (odd) and has just told her God knows everything he wants the Beast for you. I think he means best. Hmph. She's now telling him she's a witch. Maybe he'll build a pyramid for her.
Walk like an Egyptian.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Stevie has a Fan (well he does work for Mattell)

Trinity says:
I hear you got your bum done?
Trinity says: Tatoo?
Clarrie says:
yes, i have "I love mr steve" tatoooded across it
Clarrie says: ;-O
Trinity says:
you swine
Clarrie says:


Our 'Preparing for Emergencies' Booklet arrived from the government whilst I was at work. When I got home the kids had opened it and stuck it on the notice board in Prime View. How sad, that in today's world they have to view this and worry about some mass attack. Because especially Abby...She will worry. We will prob have to stock up on bottled water and cat food. Mind she's seen enough world disaster films she could probably advise the government herself. Nice to see the booklet was made from 25% virgin fibre :-O

Friday, August 20, 2004

The Pop Charity Song

1985 and Bob Geldolf Started something with his charity song 'Do they Know its Christmas' in aid of the Third World. I remember sat listening to it and being so proud that the pop stars that I adored were taking part in this historic moment. Then my father ruining it by saying 'turn that rubbish off' . I then had a blazing row about how at least THEY were helping whereas my dad just turned a blind eye to world suffering. Such a advocate for world affairs (not). Anyway I was thinking about how many of these well meaning charity records there have been.

  • We are the world. U.S.A For Africa. A star studded track.
  • Ferry across the Mersey. The football disaster? Hillsborough I think
  • Candle in the Wind. Elton Johns Princess Di Tribute
  • Let it Be. For the Zeebrugge disaster with Dire Straits Sir Paul
  • Sun City artist's united against Apartheid . Pop goes Political

For every major tragedy for a while there seemed to be a pop record. And I know there's more. Any ideas?

I'm not sure what I thought of the rise of socially responsible benefit records. I'm sure that it brought to my own individual attention the plight of people in the World. Maybe today's Young People are more socially aware. I think my own girls are definitely. We've actually had children from Chernobyl region stay with us for weeks on end. There always seems to be a price in upsetting the balance of charity donations. Look at the national lottery. That has taken money away from needy organisations and plumped up others. But there will always be some that never give and never will. I remember being totally 100% for giving overseas then but now feel I like to give closer to home as there is gross social deprivation right here even in my very own Street.

How can you criticize something though that at least tried? These Rock Stars at least brought stuff to our attention. The whole concept of political rock is quite the issue now. Many stars are extremely pro-active in voices their views on world events and politics. And too right as well!! I am a total believer in informed Consent. Don't sit back and let it flash past you especially with some of these megalomaniacs at our helm.


Emily Strange has overtaken our house. Me and Abby love her. But this particular picture is for our Friend Stephen. And it regards a recent comment. Ha! Posted by Hello


FFS What is wrong with August? I took the girls out to dinner. All three of us together, something we rarely do. A time to sit around a table with a nice meal and talk. But no Abs was as miserable as sin. Danz just ate and didn't speak (good girl really) no-one asked me anything or volunteered any convo. I tried to take a quick pic of Abby and she went mad. The food was ok but no-one ate much and we had one spoonful of desert and left. Now they are back in their own rooms and I'm sat alone. With only you for company...And you ain't saying much either.
You know what I'd like now. To sit on the sofa and have a hug from someone. And discuss movies. I'd really like to dissect down Kill Bill 2 or The Village. Or talk about music. When I put the headphones on and listen a hundred questions and comments run round my head. Oh to be able to voice them to someone who'd actually be interested.
I think the weather's pissing me off. This is AUGUST. Summertime. Its black and wet. It went awful dark at the restaurant at 6pm. It honestly felt like November time. I wanted to run home, light the fire and curl up. This is not good. God I've even bought Christmas presents already and that is a total unheard of. I shop last minute every year.
I ordered some posters online and they came today. I put them up and they look great. I have a really pretty Tower of London one and a Space Shuttle launch.
The house is really beginning to look like home. My home with my touches to it.
Actually I feel better now. Thanks for listening. You're lovely. Glass of red wine?


The Sunflowers, Fiona handpainted onto my walls on my Birthday. My only Sunflower has broken off half way up the stem, I was upset about that. I'm becoming a gardening obsessive. Posted by Hello